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✅ Les propositions du SNES-FSU et du SNEP-FSU

Élections professionnelles AEFE

Commission Consultative Paritaire Locale

CCPL 2 (second degré)
bandeau FSU

In the entire AEFE network, your FSU (SNES, SNEP, SNUipp) representatives are working in close collaboration with local union sections and the FSU’s overseas sections. They are fighting to defend your rights effectively by demanding democratic management of schools, in full respect of regulations and of the staff. Thanks to the FSU’s victory at the Conseil d’Etat (France’s highest administrative Court) on August 23rd, 2022, the CCPL’s jurisdiction over the recruitment of staff members has been reaffirmed


  • impose and defend fairness and respect for transparent recruitment rules ;
  • provide information and advice ;
  • defend the rights of each employee by demanding strict adherence to AEFE regulations ;
  • improve working conditions, health and safety;
  • demand democratic management of schools, in full compliance with regulations and respect for employees ;
  • oppose arbitrary practices that are detrimental to employees.
  • restore mobility by choice by putting an end to limited-term secondments ;
  • defend each colleague by ensuring equal rights in case of refusing part-time work, non-renewal of secondment / contract,  anticipated end of mission... ;
  • achieve wage increases, as well as payment of all statutory allowances, including those which truly take into account the cost of living.
  • demand wage and allowance increases, improvement of salary scales, and genuine career progression ;
  • ensure a real a social safety net ;
  • guarantee the transition from a fixed-term contract to a permanent contract.
affiche FSU

Links to the SNES-FSU and SNEP-FSU hors de France websites

logo SNES
logo SNEP


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