Newsletter # 36 - February 2021 The Mediterranean Wetlands Newsletter | | The European Eel, a great adventurer | | The European eel is an emblematic species of Mediterranean lagoons, but it is also found in a wide variety of habitats. This species, with its complex and original life cycle, is threatened with extinction today. To ensure its preservation, research actions and management measures are being implemented within the framework of European regulations and national management plans. In this article, you will discover the exciting journey of this eel and the actions being carried out in the Camargue. | | | Elsa Amilhat, a research engineer, and Elisabeth Faliex, a university professor, work on research projects in the Centre de Formation et de Recherche sur les Environnements Méditerranéens (Mediterranean habitat training and research center (CEFREM)) at the University of Perpignan. Both scientists have been engaged in research on eel for more than 10 years, and are advancing knowledge in fields as far ranging as eel health, migratory behaviour, and population trends. Below they respond to questions from the Tour du Valat concerning the European Eel. | | | | | The impact of lead ammunition in wetlands finally acknowledged at the European level – Even the microbiome of flamingos is affected! For many years, scientists have been warning of the toxicity and impact of lead ammunition on wetlands and the numerous animal species dependent on these habitats. On November 25, the European Parliament voted to ban such ammunition, pledging that “within 24 months, all ammunition used in the vicinity of wetlands in the European Union must be lead-free.” | | | | | Successful thesis defences at the end of 2020 for three doctoral students co-supervised by the Tour du Valat Timothée Schwartz, Manon Hess and Tania de Almeida brilliantly defended their thesis at the end of 2020. From the the efficacy of artificial nest boxes for the European Roller, to the reinforcement of the resistance capacities of restored plant communities to invasion, to the use of ants as ecosystem engineers to restore degraded areas, three different but equally interesting subjects. | | One species out of 5 is on the verge of extinction according to the Living Mediterranean Report in preparation In the Mediterranean basin, one species out of 5 is on the verge of extinction according to the Living Mediterranean Report in preparation… | | | | | Recovery in Mauritania of a GPS transmitter placed on an Eurasian Spoonbill in France The Eurasian Spoonbill is a species that has several migratory strategies according to the particular individuals. Tour du Valat and his partner Nioz in the Netherlands track spoonbills during their migration, by tagging them with GPS/GSM transmitters in order to understand the factors that shape migration routes of young spoonbills… | | | | | Always more cranes in the Camargue Counted every year in winter since 2004 by a network of birdwatchers coordinated by the Tour du Valat at a dozen sites in the Grande Camargue, the Camargue Gardoise and Plant du Bourg, the number of wintering Cranes has increased very rapidly. While about 200 birds were counted at the beginning of 2004, this year there are more than 20,000 birds! | | | | | Arles motorway bypass – Integrity of the Camargue and the Crau threatened A unique collective of scientists, farmers, rice growers, ranchers, herders, and citizens from the Pays d’Arles region and beyond has been set up. They are mobilizing to denounce the Arles motorway bypass project and to warn people of the risks of damage to the integrity of the Camargue and the Crau, exceptional biodiversity hotspots and internationally renowned grazing and farming lands. | | | | | The new website for sponsorship is online: We are very pleased to present this brand new project that will allow you to discover or rediscover flamingo sponsorship; a fun way to learn more about the way of life of flamingos and about wetlands, environments that they love so much and that they obviously can’t do without! | | | | | Support for the conservation of waterbirds and their habitats in Sudan – Mission in the framework of the RESSOURCE project Last December, despite the difficulties associated with the COVID 19 epidemic, thanks to the collaboration between OFB (French Biodiversity Agency), Tour du Valat and their Sudanese partners in the framework of the RESSOURCE Project, a mission has been carried out in Sudan. Activities have been done to support waterbirds conservation and their habitats. This project, co-funded by FFEM and EU and coordinated by FAO, contributes to the strategic objectives of the AEWA and Ramsar international conventions. | | | | | Death of Hubert Kowalski Hubert Kowalski (on the left of the photo) arrived at the Tour du Valat in the early 1960s and then continued his career at the Camargue Reserve. A great ornithologist and character! He left on Monday 8 February, suffering a heart attack. Many memories for the oldest among us... | | Hubert Kowalski, John Walmsley, Heinz Hafner and Alan R. Johnson: the famous "4 Musketeers of the Tour du Valat" at the end of a ringing of greater flamingos. | | | | | Portait of researcher: Brigitte Poulin In this film, Brigitte Poulin, head of the ecosystems department at the Tour du Valat, presents her research work at the Tour du Valat. Discover her background, the importance and the challenges of her research. | | | | | Preparation of the first management plan for the Étangs et Marais des Salins de Camargue Officially launched by the French Coastal Protection Agency on January 7, 2021 in the presence of local stakeholders, the plan developed by the co-managers of this site, which is exceptional in terms of its size and challenges, will be based on collaborative diagnosis and prospective workshops led by the CPIE-Rhône-Pays d'Arles that will draw up a work plan for the next 10 years. Presentation of the site and project participants in images. | | | | | Status of the project "Roselières Littorales d'Occitanie" (Coastal Reedbeds of Occitania) The Tour du Valat is involved in the Roselières Littorales d'Occitanie project. The Pôle-relais lagunes méditerranéennes reports on the progress of this project in a recent article and shares several videos on reed beds. | | | | | Ernoul L., Vareltzidou S., Charpentier M., Muryanyi-Kovacs C. 2020. Perception of climate change and mitigation strategies in two European Mediterranean deltas. AIMS Geosciences 6(4):561-576 | | Gillingham M.A.F., Borghesi F., Montero B.K., Migani F., Béchet A., Rendón-Martos M., Amat J.A., Dinelli E., Sommer S. 2020. Bioaccumulation of trace elements affects chick body condition and gut microbiome in greater flamingos. Science of The Total Environment Online:143250 | | Taylor N.G., Grillas P., Hreisha H.A., Balkız Ö., Borie M., Boutron O., Catita A., Champagnon J., Cherif S., Cicek K., Costa L.T., Fois M., Galewski T., Galli A., Georgiadis N.M., et al. 2021. The future for Mediterranean wetlands: 50 key issues and 50 important conservation research questions. Regional Environmental Change Online:25 | | Vallecillo D., Gauthier‐Clerc M., Guillemain M., Vittecoq M., Vandewalle P., Roche B., Champagnon J. 2021. Reliability of animal counts and implications for the interpretation of trends. Ecology and Evolution Online | | The Tour du Valat is taking part in the 13th Festival of the Camargue and the Rhone Delta which will take place from 12 to 17 May 2021. | | | | | The Tour du Valat is organizing with the Society of Wetlands Scientist (SWS) the 16th conference - European chapter - from 15 to 17 June 2021. | | | | | The World Conservation Congress of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), originally scheduled for 2020 in Marseille, will take place from 3 to 11 September 2021. | | | | | Tour du Valat - Research institute for the Conservation of Mediterranean Wetlands Le Sambuc 13200 Arles - Ph. + 33 (0)4 90 97 20 13 - 
Editorial comittee: Coralie Hermeloup, Jean Jalbert and Muriel Arcaute-Gevrey Contact
Have contributed to this issue : C. Bouchard, N. Chokier, L. Marre-Cast, D. Nicolas. Crédits photos et illustrations : C. Deschamps, T. Galewski, C. Girard, M. Hucbourg, J. Jalbert, G. Wasse, F. Pavanello (bandeau). Translation : Charles La Via. | | Follow the Tour du Valat on our social networks: | | | | | | | | | |