Newsletter # 42 - March 2023 The Mediterranean Wetlands Newsletter | | What kind of agroecology for the Camargue? | | Agroecology is a science applied to food production that uses agronomic and ecological knowledge... | | | Jean-Philippe Lefrançois, Managing Director of Alpina Savoie, answers the Tour du Valat’s questions about agroecology in the Camargue. | | | | | Yann Laurans appointed President of the Tour du Valat Science and Conservation Council Yann Laurans, an economist committed to biodiversity protection and Head of the Land Biodiversity Team at WWF-France, became President of the Tour du Valat Science and Conservation Council on December 6, 2022, after having been a member for four years. He replaced Patrick Duncan, Emeritus Research Director at the French National Research Centre (CNRS). | | | | | New faces in the management team | | Béatrice Guenebeaud joins the Tour du Valat as Director of Communication, Advocacy and Development 
| | | Jean-Claude Pascual takes over form Jean-Jacques Bravais as Administrative and Financial Director. 
| | | | | | | | The challenge of better protecting Mediterranean wetlands has been successfully met! Since 2018, the Tour du Valat has been conducting a project entitled “Civil Society and Mediterranean Wetlands“, which aims to strengthen the means and capacities of civil society in the countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean basin, so that they can defend these endangered environments more effectively. In practice, this project supports two networks: the Mediterranean Wetlands Alliance and the Mediterranean Waterbirds Network. | | | | | The Tour du Valat brought the voice of Mediterranean wetlands during the COP 15 to the Convention on Biological Diversity The Tour du Valat was present at the Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 15) to support the adoption of an ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework that will finally halt biodiversity loss. | | | | | 1923-2023 : the legacy of Luc Hoffmann Luc Hoffmann was born 100 hundred years ago in Basel. He was a passionate ornithologist, a tireless defender of the environment in general and of wetlands in particular, a philanthropist and the founding father of numerous initiatives and organisations, including the Tour du Valat. | | | | | “Eco-grief: From mourning to marveling through environmental storytelling” – by David Grémillet (2022, Heinz Hafner Lecture) Within the cycle of annual lectures on conservation biology, initiated by Tour du Valat in order to highlight the work on waterbirds conservation of Heinz Hafner, this year was the occasion to welcome David Grémillet, Senior Researcher at CEFE-CNRS Montpellier and Research Associate at the University of Cape Town, on 14 November 2022. The replay of his lecture entitled “Eco-grief: From mourning to marveling through environmental storytelling” is avaiblable. | | | | | Another great success for the 2023 Open Day On Sunday, February 5, the sun was out and so was the mistral wind. But the weather did not discourage the many visitors to this open day. By noon, the 500 visitor number had already been passed. The Tour du Valat welcomed 700 people that day, a record. We offer you a photo review of the activities proposed on this occasion. | | | | | Results of the 2023 Crane census in the Camargue On January 10, 2023, a coordinated census of wintering Common cranes (Grus Grus) in the Camargue took place. About forty people, volunteers or employees of the Tour du Valat, the Camargue National Reserve, the Vigueirat Marshes Reserve, the Camargue Regional Nature Park and the Scamandre Center spread out over the Camargue territory to estimate the wintering population as closely as possible. | | | | | Restoring Mediterranean Wetlands – The new policymaker’s playbook for sustainable management and ecosystem restoration by 2030 This handbook has been prepared in the framework of the project “Strengthening the restoration of Mediterranean Wetlands for nature and people” funded by the MAVA Foundation. It has been coordinated by WWF Spain, MedWet and Tour du Valat in partnership with PIM Initiative and MEDSEA. The project is part of the Wetlands-Based Solutions initiative funded by the MAVA Foundation. | | | | | Billé R., Rochette J., Martinez-Espinosa C. 2023. L’accord de Kunming-Montréal, un levier pour la protection des zones humides méditerranéennes ? IDDRI [Internet] | | Bouchard C., Drouineau H., Lambert P., Boutron O., Nicolas D. 2022. Spatio-temporal variations in glass eel recruitment at the entrance pathways of a Mediterranean delta. ICES Journal of Marine Science 79(6):1874-1887 | | Nono Almeida F., Leray C., Boutry J., ter Halle A., Vittecoq M., Provencher J.F., McCoy K.D. 2023. Changes in plastic ingestion by yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) over the breeding season. Marine pollution bulletin 187:9 | | Verniest F., Le Viol I., Julliard R., Dami L., Guelmami A., Suet M., Abdou W., Azafzaf H., Bendjedda N., Bino T., Borg J.J., Bozic L., Dakki M., El Hamoumi R., Encarnacao V., et al. 2023. Anticipating the effects of climate warming and natural habitat conversion on waterbird communities to address protection gaps. Biological Conservation 279:10 | | The Tour du Valat is taking part in the 15th Festival of the Camargue and the Rhône Delta which will take place from May 17 to 21, 2023. | | | | | The Petit Saint-Jean estate will open its doors to the public on the occasion of the "Le Gard de Ferme en Ferme" event on 29 and 30 April 2023! | | | | | Tour du Valat - Research Institute for the Conservation of Mediterranean Wetlands Le Sambuc 13200 Arles - Tél. + 33 (0)4 90 97 20 13 - Editorial comitee: Jean Jalbert, Coralie Hermeloup & Muriel Arcaute-Gevrey Contact: Have contributed to this issue: A. Béchet & P. Moulin Photos copyrights: L. Willm (bandeau), S. Belfeld, H. Hôte/agence Caméléon, P. Peron, C.Suard Translations: Charles La Via | | Follow the Tour du Valat on our social networks: | | | | | | | | | |