Newsletter # 39 - April 2022 The Mediterranean Wetlands Newsletter | | The restoration projects at the Tour du Valat involve passive and active restoration activities in a mosaic of wetland habitats that can eventually be transferred and shared with other sites around the Mediterranean Basin... | | | Dr. Shane Mc Guinness, conservation biologist, is the Deputy Coordinator of the WaterLANDS project at the University College Dublin (UCD). Waterlands is a recent European Green Deal project launched to lead largescale restoration of European wetlands. | | | | | Success of the 2022 edition of the Tour du Valat’s open day We were happy to welcome the public again. Once again, many of you (more than 630 people!) came to attend a conference, taste our wines, walk in the Tour du Valat nature reserve or maybe even all three! | | | | | Nature based Solutions at the Monaco Ocean Week During the 5th edition of the Monaco Ocean Week, the Tour du Valat, the IUCN French Committee, the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation and the Ocean & Climate Platform organized the conference “Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change in the Mediterranean”... | | | | | Tune Up: Testing and transferring voluntary environmental contract methodologies to improve governance in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas After testing voluntary environmental contracts in Mediterranean wetlands with the Interreg WetNet project, the Interreg Tune Up project tested the contracts in eight of Europe’s Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPA)... | | | | | David Vallecillo’s Ph.D. – Modelling the spatio-temporal distribution of waterbirds in the Camargue David Vallecillo Ph.D. was supervised by Matthieu Guillemain (OFB) and co-supervised by Jocelyn Champagnon (Tour du Valat) as part of a project funded by the François Sommer Foundation. He has successfully defended, on December,17 2021, his doctoral thesis entitled : “Modelling the spatio-temporal distribution of waterbirds in the Camargue – A tool for management”. | | | | | NGE was awarded the “biodiversity” trophy for its control of invasive exotic plants – a successful partnership with the Tour du Valat and the IMBE This work was developed within the framework of a CIFRE grant in collaboration with the Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE, University of Avignon, France) and by the team in charge of restoration issues at the Tour du Valat... | | | | | Well-deserved retirement! After many years at the Tour du Valat, committed to the service of wetlands and the reconciliation between humans and nature, Patrick Grillas, programme Director and Olivier Pineau, Director of the Estate, have both just taken their leave. Good luck to both of them with all our gratitude! | | | | | Farewel René René Lambert, gardian and then steward for more than 30 years at the Tour du Valat, passed away at the age of 89.
This lover of the Camargue, passionate about the bulls and horses to which he devoted his life, will remain in our memories. Our affectionate thoughts are with Marie-Thérèse, his wife, and all his family. In this picture, René is riding a horse accompanied by Alan Johnson.
| | | | | Where is Spoony? A citizen science project on Eurasian spoonbills. Where is Spoony? is the new Citizen Science Project of Tour du Valat, with the aim of uncovering the secrets of migration and the emblematic spoonbills of Camargue. Immerse yourself in the wild and magical land of Camargue. Join more than 700 volunteers and help Tour du Valat find all the Spoony´s. | | | | | Monitoring breeding waterbirds in Mediterranean wetlands - Online course Tour du Valat’s team with the support of Wetlands based solutions, the French Facility for Global Environment and the French Development Agency has developed an online course designed for wildlife or habitat managers, students, academics, researchers, ornithologists, experts from Mediterranean countries with some experience with counting birds. The first edition took place in February. | | | | | Wetlands 2021 Summary: results of the annual waterbird census in France The national report on the 2021 censuses focuses on the Camargue and the activities of the Tour du Valat. A zoom dedicated to the Camargue presents the history and organization of the censuses, as well as an analysis of the trends and results of the 2021 census at this site... | | | | | Arslan D., Cicek K., Döndüren Ö., Ernoul L. 2021. Threat Ranking to Improve Conservation Planning: An Example from the Gediz Delta, Turkey. Land 10(12):16. | | Balvanera P., Brauman K.A., Cord A.F., Drakou E.G., Geijzendorffer I.R., Karp D.S., Martin-Lopez B., Mwampamba T.H., Schröter M. 2022. Essential ecosystem service variables for monitoring progress towards sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 54:9. | | Comolet-Tirman J., Quaintenne G., Siblet J.P., Wroza S., Bal G., Champagnon J., Couz L., Czajkowski M.A., Denis P., Frochot B., Muller Y. 2022. Estimation des populations d’oiseaux nicheurs de France métropolitaine. Alauda 90(2):130-150 | | Hess M.C.M., Mesléard F., Young T.P., de Freitas B., Haveneers N., Buisson E. 2022. Altering native community assembly history influences the performance of an annual invader. Basic and Applied Ecology 59:70-81 | | Vittecoq M. 2021. Réflexion : Mettre en pratique l'approche "une seule santé", au-delà du "comment" se poser la question du "pourquoi". H & B 7:50-55 | | Tour du Valat organise with the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) the 17th conference - European chapter - from 13 to 16 June 2022 on LUMA foundation site in Arles (France) entitled: « Connecting wetlands functioning and biodiversity towards nature-based solutions » Abstracts for oral presentations should be sent before April 18, 2022. | | | | | The Petit Saint-Jean estate will welcome the public for an open day on the occasion of the event "Le Gard de Ferme en Ferme" on April 23 and 24, 2022. | | | | | The Tour du Valat is participating in the 14th Festival of the Camargue and the Rhone Delta, which will take place from 25 to 30 May 2022. The Tour du Valat team will also take part in conferences and will organize nature outings. | | | | | Rencontre du 3e type - An evening at the Tour du Valat organized in partnership with the Citron Jaune on Saturday, July 2, 2022 from 5pm. | | | | | Tour du Valat - Research institute for the Conservation of Mediterranean Wetlands Le Sambuc 13200 Arles - Ph. + 33 (0)4 90 97 20 13 - 
Editorial comittee: Jean Jalbert, Coralie Hermeloup and Muriel Arcaute-Gevrey Contact:
Have contributed to this issue: L.Ernoul Photos creduts and illustrations: L. Ernoul (bandeau), J.E. Roché, C. Suard, M. Hess, Tiziana Annesi / Hans Lucas, T. Galewski, A. Arnaud and L. Willm. | | Follow the Tour du Valat on our social networks: | | | | | | | | | |