IRCAM Forum's news for September

Newsletter novembre

The Forum team wishes you a great September start with lots of projects, joy and energy!




MARCH 19 - 22 2024, PARIS


Join us to celebrate the 30th anniversary of IRCAM Forum! The programmation will be festive and surprising! During 4 days, you will be able to assist to presentations, demonstrations, concerts and installations focusing on sound and the latest musical innovative technologies.

You can already participate to our calls to submissions, projects and pieces.

This year we are launching the first Generative Music Prize, linked to the european project DAFNE+.

Moreover, the Forum associates with the ISAC2024 contest awarding pieces using the Ambisonic technology and with the 12th edition of Mixage Fou for a 80 seconds sound creation in stereo, surround, immersive sound and more...


The selected pieces will be listened at the IRCAM's Espace de Projection.


The deadline for all calls is fixed to October 30th 2023.


The Centre national de la musique, partner of the event, will be offering its own special time. More information to follow. ​​


This event is organized by the IRCAM Forum and in collaboration with Mixage Fou and Pesaro UNESCO Creative City of Music.


 OCTOBER 18 - 19 2023, TAIPEI

The IRCAM Forum will be at C-Lab in Taipei to present lectures and workshops around and about spatialisation, sound treatment and Artificial Intelligence.

This event is supported by the Institut Français.

​​​OCTOBER 25 - 27 2023, SEOUL

The IRCAM Forum is invited to the Arts Korea Lab (AKL)'s opening festival.
During three days will be presented exhibitions, performances and a presentation of this new place's mission focused on artistic experimentation and industrialisetion in the art world.



Max certification level 1



Develop necessary knowledge for simple patchs preparation and evaluate necessary needs for project set-up using Max.


From November 2023 the 20th to the 25th.
At IRCAM, in French.

Audio experiences design on the web



Get hold of main theorical tools and technics for simple development of web pages using dedicated programing languages and the API Web Audio.


From December 2023 the 4th to the 6th.
At IRCAM, in French.

Introduction to OpenMusic



Learn to use a graphic programing environment in the contexte of a composing activity.


4 half-days Decembre 2023 the 13th,14th, 20th and 21st.
On line, in English.




You will find the four last tutorials on Modalys on IRCAM's Youtube channel here.


Premium members of the Forum benefit from a 30% discount on professional training courses. Find more information here.


Ircam - Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique

1 place Igor-Stravinsky, 75004 Paris

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