Version française | | | | | Dear Biochar, recognised and classified by the IPCC as belonging to a group of 6 negative emissions technology pathways, has the promise to be a key instrument in our efforts to fight climate change. Beyond the current drive to reduce carbon emissions from industry, transport, residential, energy etc remains the equally key question of how to draw down the excess of CO² that has built up in the atmosphere since the first iconic steam turbines and internal combustion engines started turning, revolutionizing the way we did things, including billowing out vast stacks of black smoke into the atmosphere. On Monday 22nd morning and Friday 26th afternoon, we delve into the fast-developing world of biochar as a means to fix and lock away this excess of carbon in a myriad of forms, through replicable and scalable pyrolysis or gasification technologies of a diverse range of biomass feedstocks. | | MONDAY 22 MARCH - BIOCHAR | | | | | 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM - VISIO / WEBINAR The circular economy of vegetative charcoal: it's possible Animé par Marc LE TREIS, Responsable de secteur biocombustible - animateur Bois Energie - Association d'Initiatives Locales pour les Energies et l'Environnement (AILE) Tom Anthonis, Innovation and project manager - PRO NATURA Jacques BERNARD, Chargé d'études - Association d'Initiatives Locales pour les Energies et l'Environnement (AILE) Hervé DENIS, Président - B2E - Bretagne Eco-Entreprises Tom DUCROCQ - UniLaSalle Erik MOUILLÉ, CEO - NAODEN | | FRIDAY 26 MARCH - BIOCHAR | | | | | 2:00 - 4:00 PM - VISIO / WEBINAR Biochar Harald BIER - European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI) Helmut Gerber, CEO - PYREG GMBH Mauro GIORCELLI, Researcher - the Carbon Group - Politecnico Torino Thomas Harcourt, Biochar project manager - CARBONEX Marcel Huber, CEO - SYNCRAFT ENGINEERING GMBH Hannes JUNGINGER - Carbonfuture Caspar von Ziegner - NOVOCARBO GMBH | | Bio360 Week Virtually offers the next best thing compared to a real event and an opportunity to keep things moving forward and to maintain momentum. We need you to remain as engaged, as pioneering and as determined as ever… and hopefully Bio360 Week will provide you with a new boost and suggest new ideas and new ways in which you can continue to apply yourself as effectively as possible, on the road to attain new heights. Go for it ! The BEES Team | | | |