Newsletter #31 - September 2019 The Mediterranean Wetlands Newsletter | | Tackling climate change impacts to help practitioners saving wetlands | | Researchers from Tour du Valat investigated how climate change would affect the seasonally-flooded wetlands with emergent vegetation across the Mediterranean Basin. | | | Wolfgang Cramer, Head of research at the Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE). | | | | | Monitoring nesting birds at the Tour du Valat: constantly evolving results Since 1995, the Tour du Valat has been conducting annual monitoring operations of nesting bird populations on its estate (2600 ha) in spring. These censuses have enabled to show that there is a diverse bird population that corresponds to the different habitats on the estate. | | | | | Innovative hunting experiments in the Camargue Several natural area managers have just published the results of their experimentations with several practices, which aim to make hunting in the Camargue more sustainable in its various dimensions. | | | | | Eurasian Spoonbill migration: we need your help!You can now participate in this major participatory project by following the movements of Eurasian Spoonbills equipped with GPS tags in real time, observing them in the field, and sending your sighting observations to the Tour du Valat and its Dutch partner. | | | | | Agreement signed for the protection of the Collared Pratincole in the Camargue On 16 July 2019, an agreement was signed for the second consecutive year between the Tour du Valat and the Domaine de La Forêt vineyards in Mas-Thibert (commune of Arles), to promote the protection of around twenty pairs of Collared Pratincoles that have been present there since spring. | | | | | Queries about the Expert Committee on Adaptive Species Management The Tour du Valat reacts to governmental decree projects regarding the hunting of three threatened waterbird species, which do not take account of the Expert commitee's opinions. | | | | | Waterbird monitoring in Africa: the Chad experience The AEWA Technical Support Unit, made up of Tour du Valat and ONCFS (French National Hunting and Wildlife Office) staff, travelled to Chad in early 2019 where it visited the Zakouma National Park. Video feedback on this mission, its participants and its results! | | | | | The importance of green infrastructure for agricultural landscapes A policy brief co-drafted by the Tour du Valat has just been published within the framework of the European Biodiversa project, which aims to transfer the findings of scientific research into concrete policies. It confirms the importance of green infrastructure in the agricultural systems in Europe, and makes recommendations that favour their development. | | | | | New report published on Nature-based Solutions in the Mediterranean A new report has just been published by the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, to which the Tour du Valat actively contributed. Its goal is to promote Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in the Mediterranean Basin, which is one of the areas in the world where ecosystems are the most subject to global and local anthropogenic pressures.
| | | | | Gosal Arjan S., Geijzendorffer Ilse R., Václavík T., Poulin B., Ziv G. 2019. Using social media, machine learning and natural language processing to map multiple recreational beneficiaries. Ecosystem Services 38:100958. | | Lefebvre G., Redmond L., Germain C., Palazzi E., Terzago S., Willm L., Poulin B. 2019. Predicting the vulnerability of seasonally-flooded wetlands to climate change across the Mediterranean Basin. Science of The Total Environment 692:546-555. | | 21 & 22 September 2019 Occitanie, Sud PACA & Corse Regions | | | European Heritage Days "Arts & Entertainment" in the lagoons | | | | | Monday 7 October 2019 Lyon (France) | | | Colloquium "Water & Biodiversity" by the Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse Water Agency | | | | | Monday 5 November 2019 Tour du Valat (France) | | | Heinz Hafner Conference at 18.30 by Anne Charmantier (CEFE-CNRS) on Studying evolution in action in cities : is there a great tit urban ecotype? | | | | | Tour du Valat - Research Institute for the Conservation of Mediterranean Wetlands Le Sambuc, 13200 Arles, France - Tel. +33 (0)490972013 -  Editorial Comittee: Coralie Hermeloup, Jean Jalbert and Gwenael Wasse Have contribued to this issue: J. Champagnon, D. Cohez, C. Deschamps, L. Ernoul, T. Galewski, M. Guillemain, C. Moncourtois, J.-Y. Mondain-Monval, B. Poulin, D. Vallecillo. Photo copyrights: Camille Barbée & Alizée Chiappini, Thomas Galewski, La Provence, Tour du Valat, G. Wasse/Tour du Valat (bandeau). Translation: Charles La Via. | | Follow the Tour du Valat on the social networks: | | | | | | | | | |