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Newsletter of the EMBA Program - Telecom Business School



Telecom Ecole de Management trusts you are having a great July! Here is a summary of our recent and upcoming activities!


The Institute Mines-Telecom is taking part in two new projects in the fields of Internet of Things (IoT). You will also meet a graduate of the class 2014-2016, and you will have a glimpse of the previous masterclass!


We will stay tuned during the upcoming weeks. Feel free to contact us!


Wishing you nice holidays & a good summer!


Happy reading!

What's new?

2 new European research projects with Japan and Korea in the Internet of Things (IoT) and the 5G for Mines-Telecom Institute


The European Commission has announced in late May the results of the two joint calls Europe/Japan and Europe/Korea of the Horizon 2020 program dedicated to digital. Mines-Telecom Institute is taking part in two new projects in the fields of IoT (South Korea) and 5G (Japan) thanks to the researchers of its schools, Télécom SudParis and Eurecom.

Internet of Things Project: 

The Wise-IoT project gathers top-tier European and Korean contributions on key standardization activities of the IoT.

Télécom SudParis will bring its Social IoT and semantic skills and pilot a federative approach combining both social networks and IoT.


5G Pagoda Project:

The Pagoda Project involves the participation of European and Japanese partners (Such as Ericsson, University of Aalto in Finland, Eurecom, Orange Poland, Universities of Tokyo and Waseda, telecommunications operator KDDI, Hitachi and NEC).

The objective is to create a mobile virtual network that can be deployed upon request and dedicated to an application during the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020.

Eurecom will bring his “softwarization of network” skills and its tool Open Air Interface (OAI) for the implementation of the solutions defined during the project, in an 5G open source platform.


Read more here

Meet a graduate of the class 2014-2016!

"We are living exciting times, in which we are experiencing the 3rd industrial revolution that started transforming the world as we know it. AI (Artificial intelligence) is changing jobs, services and everything around. 
20 years from now, the new generation will ask themselves, "How did our parents manage to drive cars?!", in the same way we ask ourselves today, "How did our parents manage to find an address without GPS!?"
In order to keep up with today's peace we have to learn and reinvent ourselves everyday. There is no excuse for not doing so, in an era in which we have the world at our fingertips!"

Aurel Proorocu


Aurel Proorocu features in The new volume of "100 faces of innovation" published by the Financial Times and Nemira, which is going to be released in August.

Back to the previous Masterclass!

The "Indian masterclass", June 23rd

Hosted by our EMBA participants and dedicated to the last study tour in India, this masterclass was the last one for the class 2014-2016!


The audience was composed by former, current and future participants of the program, and also other people eager to learn about innovation in such an inspiring & creative country as India is!


We would like to thank all the participants for sharing their experience with enthusiasm and passion. 


It was smiles all around at Remix Coworking which brought back some memories. An Indian cocktail ended this pleasant evening.

Many thanks to Hakima Chaouchi, Oscar Botero, Ousmane Fouty Diop and Robert-Blaise Se-Ondoua

The Frogans Technology, July 21st

"Making sure everyone can rapidly and easily publish content on the Internet, visible to all" is the main goal of the project.


During this evening Alexis Tamas and Philippe Collin, Frogans Technology's Founders, answered many questions from a targeted audience. Everybody was thrilled to create his own Frogans site!


Register now for the next masterclass

Alexis Tamas explained

how the Frogans player works.

Let's meet!




Experience our MBA in Paris


Come and share half a day with the Executive MBA participants at Remix Coworking, 24 cour des Petites Ecuries, Paris 10. You will be immersed in the heart of the program and you will have the opportunity to interact with participants and lecturers.

Register to

Experience our MBA

One-to-One Meeting

  • This informal meeting will be a chance to discuss your background and career objectives, and learn how our EMBA can help you achieve your goals.

Please contact the EMBA team: emba@telecom-em.eu


Social Media


Join the group "Welcome to the executive MBA Leading Innovation in a Digital World" on Linkedin by following the link: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4252145


Next intake: October 2016

Deadline to apply: September 23rd !

Contact us


Jennifer Howard

Sales assistant

+33(0) 1 60 76 41 51



Admission team


Stay Tuned
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